What is Sugaring?

Sugaring uses only sugar, water and lemon to create the water-soluble paste that removes hair. The hair is not only gone from the surface, but it is also removed from the root, which increases hair softness, and over time reduces hair growth.

Sugaring only adheres to dead keratin cells and hair so there is no chance of skin damage, leaving the skin not only hairless but also exfoliated and smooth.

The sugaring process has the technician apply the sugar paste in the opposite direction of the hair growth by molding it gently onto the skin, allowing the paste to seep into the hair follicle. It is then removed by flicking it off with the fingers in the same direction of the hair growth, allowing for the root to be extracted. There is no need for strips and sticks—just a small amount of sugar paste will complete an entire treatment.

Why are facials important?

You exercise often, you eat right and you get frequent haircuts, so why wouldn’t you get a facial? As with most other beauty and health matters, facials help prevent and treat common problems. Facials are important because they keep on top of things that happen seasonally.

Take the fall season, for example. When you turn the heat on for the first time in October, you might notice a change in your skin. Inside heat can dehydrate skin and facials can drastically correct a lack of moisture. And every April when the weather warms up a bit, skin can get oilier and create breakouts. Facials can help with these and many other skin ailments.

What are the benefits of facials?

Regular facial treatments promote the overall health, youthfulness and longevity of the skin. While not all facial treatments are the same, we custom design each one based on your skin type as well as your skin’s current condition.

Read more below about  our basic steps and the benefit you’ll receive.

A relaxing, stress-free procedure:

  • Facial & décolleté massage that firms facial muscles, is detoxifying and a tremendous stress reliever!
  • After your skin is refreshed by exfoliation, blood circulation is elevated by massage, ready to absorb all the benefits of our vitamin rich, all natural fruit based mask ingredients, that firms, hydrates and beautifies skin!
  • The last and most important step after we determine your skin condition, is to discuss and recommend what products you should use on a daily basis in order to maintain the lasting health of your skin!

How often should I get facial?

The period of time between facials is determined by skin type, age, your environment, and what you hope to achieve. The general recommendation is to have a professional facial about every three to four weeks. That’s how long it takes your skin to move through the full life cycle of skin cell growth and exfoliation. A facial helps that process along. The treatment will keep your skin clean, clear, and toned. Having one every three to four weeks helps you maintain that beautiful glow all month long.

Is there any contraindications for getting a facial?

Viruses such as colds, cold sores, warts, bacterial infections such as impetigo, boils, conjunctivitis, styes, fungal infections such as ringworm, blepharitis, undiagnosed lumps or swelling, broken bones, known sensitivity or allergy to products. Eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, fresh bruising, open sores, bleeding, tooth abscess, broken jaw or other facial bone, facial cancer, head lice, recently consumed alcohol, under the influence of drugs, unstable blood pressure, recent head injury, recent neck injury, fever, contagious disease, and/or recent scarring.

How can I maintain the result of facial?

After your facial, we’ll recommend home care products that keep your skin healthy, and educate you how to use them!

Does a facial make you look younger?


A good facial (and facial massage) can help smooth fine lines and promote collagen production, which is the building block of the skin (to prevent premature aging, wrinkles, and sagging).

Help even skin tone and lighten dark spots. Dark spots age our skin appearance visibly.

With the use of exfoliation, massage, and the penetration of nutrients and antioxidants, facials also fight to reverse aging. We will all age, but we can do it more slowly with glowing, firm, and hydrated skin.

How old do you need to be to getting a facial?

There’s no age limit on getting a facial. Generally, the time to start getting professional facials is when the skin is starting to change—when blackheads, bumps and breakouts start to appear. For some, that may be 11 and others it might be later.

How long does a waxing last?

After a client’s first waxing, the results can last 3 to 6 weeks depending on the individual’s hair re-growth rate. In most cases, hair growth is minimal during the first week or two and noticeably increases in the third and fourth week.

Does waxing hurt?

It differs by person and pain tolerance. The skin will be less sensitive if waxing is done every 4 weeks. Over time, with regular waxing, the hair follicle will have less and less of a grip on the hair to be pulled and the hairs will come out more easily. Another reason to wax frequently is that you may even experience less hair growth over time.

Is there any contraindication to get waxing service?

There are certain medications and products that should not be taken or used if you plan to have a waxing treatment soon. Topical exfoliants used on the area to be waxed such as Retin-A, Renova, and hydroquinone, oral acne medications such as Accutane, blood-thinning medications, and topical/oral cortisone make the skin more sensitive and increase the likelihood of irritation or other complications. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure whether you should be waxed while on or using a medication.

How do I benefit from waxing?

Waxing reduces hair growth when performed every four weeks. While shaving crops the hair at the skin’s surface, waxing pulls it out by the root, so it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. Waxing is great for those who are tired of the hassle of shaving several times per week. The more you wax, the less hair grows back.

Can I shave between waxing appointments?

Please do not shave between waxing appointments! It disrupts the hair growth cycle resulting in more hair at your next appointment.

What to do after waxing services?

  • Preferable to not exercise for 24-48 hours after waxing as it may cause an infection of the hair follicles in some people.
  • DON’T go swimming in the pool or ocean, and it’s best to not submerge freshly waxed skin in water for 24-48 hours.
  • Preferable to not drink alcohol prior to your waxing service. May cause excessive bleeding.
  • DON’T expose newly waxed skin to the sun, hot tubs, sauna, suntan booths, or extreme heat for 24- 48 hours.
  • DON’T apply heavily perfumed or thick lotions/butters to freshly waxed skin. May clog hair follicles.
  • DON’T use products containing alcohol in the bikini area. May cause ingrown hair or irritate skin.
  • DON’T exfoliate your skin for 1 week prior to waxing. The process of waxing exfoliates the skin.
  • Wait for 6 months after Accutane treatment, laser resurfacing, or a chemical peel to begin waxing.

What are the benefits of a chemical peel?

Having radiant skin every day isn’t always easy, and even the healthiest lifestyle and skincare regimen can leave you with a dull or ruddy complexion.

Chemical peels are some of the simplest and most effective treatments for achieving that radiant glow, and are one of the oldest cosmetic procedures performed around the world. Not only can you expect smooth and clear skin with these treatments, but chemical peels can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you’re looking for a dramatic “lift” to your appearance without expensive surgery, chemical peels could be the secret to getting that youthful look.


  • Reduction of blotchy patches: Skin blotches can create a dull complexion, and typically do not clear up on their own. A chemical peel can penetrate deep enough to remove the layer of darker skin to even out your skin tone.
  • Reducing the appearance of sun damage: The sun is the leading cause of fine lines and wrinkles, and these can be prevented with a healthy skincare regimen. Chemical peels remove the layer of skin that may be affected by sun damage to leave behind a fresh and smooth layer.
  • Acne management: If you’re suffering from acne, a chemical peel may be a valuable part of your treatment program. Lighter peels such as AHAs and glycolic acid peels are more appropriate for sensitive and acne-prone skin, and can help clear up inflammation and even acne scars after a few months of treatment.
  • Lightening of the skin: The change of seasons, poor diet, or even a lack of rest can leave you with a dull and ruddy complexion. Mild chemical peels made with natural lighteners even your skin tone, leave your skin lighter and brighter.
  • Low downtime: Mild gentle peels has no or just you a few days with little noticeable peeling on the skin.
  • Smoother skin:. Revealing a fresh layer of skin means you’ll have a smooth and youthful appearance and improved skin texture.
  • Reduce age spots: Age spots can be difficult to hide under makeup, but chemical peels can help reduce pigmentation and even out your skin tone.
  • Fast and simple procedures: The process of applying the chemical peel solution and letting it set rarely takes no longer than 30 minutes.
  • Improved collagen growth: Glycolic acid peels in particular will help with collagen production; collagen is a building block of skin tissue that creates a strong and supple skin surface.
  • Better skin quality: Removing dead skin cells regularly will freshen up the skin and leave it silky smooth; chemical peels help remove dead skin cells and will even out the skin tone to leave you with a fresh and youthful glow.

How to prevent ingrown hair?

We proudly use “Bikini Kitty” organic products in our spa.

Bikini Kitty uses natural Alpha Hydroxy Acids to break the bond of dead skin that can clog hair follicles and limit effective hair removal.

And because Kitty knew it would take more than the magic in one little bottle to solve her issues, she added in superior physical exfoliation from her Spa Body Brush to target stubborn, curly hair along bikini lines and underarms.

A fine mist sprayer of natural Aloe base and Witch Hazel cool and soothe. Tea Tree and Organic Lavender speed healing and lend a clean, fresh scent that can disinfect and refresh skin without the burn of alcohol.

Can I have sex the same day after brazilian wax?

Better not, friction of the skin can cause irritation, redness and breakouts.

What are Acne Treatments like?

We either do a very mild chemical peel on your skin or we do a gentle enzyme peel with steam. Generally speaking, neither of these are uncomfortable or will make your skin visibly peel or there might be very mild peeling. We then do extractions of your acne. We finish your session with a calming hydrating treatment.

We will want to see you every two weeks for an acne treatment. It typically takes about six to eight services over a 3 to 4-month period of time to get you mostly to completely clear.

After your acne is under control, you will simply need to maintain your home care products to keep your skin clear.

How do our Acne Treatments differ from a doctors?

We have more time to spend with you than a busy doctor. We can listen to all of your skin care concerns. We keep updated with the latest research about acne. We have the best and most effective acne products that do not require a prescription. We give you honest and straightforward answers to all of your skin care questions; and if we do not know the answer, we will do research. We keep in close contact with you throughout your process of getting clear; making sure that your home care is working properly and your skin is responding. We are hands-on with you in working with your skin, your skin type, your acne type and will do any necessary extractions in your treatment appointments.

What can I expect from Acne Treatments?

As you go through your process of achieving clear skin on your face and/or body, you will want to come in for treatments every two weeks to achieve the best results. Treatments are for:

● exfoliating the skin so that home care product can penetrate the pore more easily; or,
● hydrating the skin so that the skin is receptive to your home-care regimen
● extracting existing acne impactions
● killing acne bacteria inside the pore
● calming inflammations

Each acne treatment is specifically focused on what the skin needs at the time of treatment. Sometimes the skin will need more hydration, other times it will need more anti-bacterial and/or anti-inflammatory action.

Still have a question? Email us today.

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